Publications by Category
X Author: Alexandre Moreira
Moreira, Alexandre, Nikita G Singhal, Julie Mulvaney Kemp, Erik Ela, and Miguel Heleno."Navigating modeling frontiers for electric storage resources in wholesale electricity markets."
Moreira, Alexandre, Miguel Heleno, Alan Valenzuela, Joseph H Eto, Jaime Ortega, and Cristina Botero."A Scalable Approach to Large Scale Risk-Averse Distribution Grid Expansion Planning."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
(2023) 1 - 14. DOI
Wirtz, Marco, Miguel Heleno, Alexandre Moreira, Thomas Schreiber, and Dirk Muller."5th generation district heating and cooling network planning: A Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition approach."Energy Conversion and Management
276 (2023) 116593. DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, Alan Valenzuela, and Miguel Heleno."Solving Market-Based Large-Scale Security-Constrained AC Optimal Power Flows."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
(2022) 1 - 13. DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, Miguel Heleno, and Alan Valenzuela."A Risk-Averse Approach for Distribution Grid Expansion Planning."Energies
14.24 (2021) 8482. DOI
Giannelos, Spyros, Anjali Jain, Stefan Borozan, Paola Falugi, Alexandre Moreira, Rohit Bhakar, Jyotirmay Mathur, and Goran Strbac."Long-Term Expansion Planning of the Transmission Network in India under Multi-Dimensional Uncertainty."Energies
14.22 (2021) 7813. DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, David Pozo, Alexandre Street, Enzo Sauma, and Goran Strbac."Climate‐aware generation and transmission expansion planning: A three‐stage robust optimization approach."European Journal of Operational Research
295.3 (2021) 1099 - 1118. DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, Goran Strbac, and Bruno Fanzeres."An ambiguity averse approach for transmission expansion planning."2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech
(2019). DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, Bruno Fanzeres, and Goran Strbac."Energy and reserve scheduling under ambiguity on renewable probability distribution."Electric Power Systems Research
160 (2018) 205 - 218. DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, Goran Strbac, Rodrigo Moreno, Alexandre Street, and Ioannis Konstantelos."A Five-Level MILP Model for Flexible Transmission Network Planning Under Uncertainty: A Min–Max Regret Approach."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
33.1 (2018) 486 - 501. DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, David Pozo, Alexandre Street, and Enzo Sauma."Reliable Renewable Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning: Co-Optimizing System's Resources for Meeting Renewable Targets."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
32.4 (2017) 3246 - 3257. DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, Alexandre Street, and José M Arroyo."Energy and reserve scheduling under correlated nodal demand uncertainty: An adjustable robust optimization approach."International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
72 (2015) 91 - 98. DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, Alexandre Street, and José M Arroyo."An Adjustable Robust Optimization Approach for Contingency-Constrained Transmission Expansion Planning."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
30.4 (2015) 2013 - 2022. DOI
Street, Alexandre, Alexandre Moreira, and José M Arroyo."Energy and Reserve Scheduling Under a Joint Generation and Transmission Security Criterion: An Adjustable Robust Optimization Approach."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
29.1 (2014) 3 - 14. DOI
Souto, Mario, Alexandre Moreira, Alvaro Veiga, Alexandre Street, Joaquim Dias Garcia, and Camila Epprecht."A high-dimensional VARX model to simulate monthly renewable energy supply."2014 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC)2014 Power Systems Computation Conference
(2014). DOI