Publications by Category
Zhou, Lan, Aniketa Shinde, Joseph H Montoya, Arunima K Singh, Sheraz Gul, Junko Yano, Yifan Ye, Ethan J Crumlin, Matthias H Richter, Jason K Coope, Helge S Stein, Joel A Haber, Kristin A Persson, and John M Gregoire."Rutile Alloys in the Mn–Sb–O System Stabilize Mn 3+ To Enable Oxygen Evolution in Strong Acid."ACS Catalysis
8.12 (2018) 10938 - 10948. DOI
Newhouse, Paul F, Sebastian E Reyes-Lillo, Guo Li, Lan Zhou, Aniketa Shinde, Dan Guevarra, Santosh K Suram, Edwin Soedarmadji, Matthias H Richter, Xiaohui Qu, Kristin A Persson, Jeffrey B Neaton, and John M Gregoire."Discovery and Characterization of a Pourbaix-Stable, 1.8 eV Direct Gap Bismuth Manganate Photoanode."Chemistry of Materials
29.23 (2017) 10027 - 10036. DOI
Singh, Arunima K, Lan Zhou, Aniketa Shinde, Santosh K Suram, Joseph H Montoya, Donald Winston, John M Gregoire, and Kristin A Persson."Electrochemical Stability of Metastable Materials."Chemistry of Materials
29.23 (2017) 10159 - 10167. DOI
Shinde, Aniketa, Santosh K Suram, Qimin Yan, Lan Zhou, Arunima K Singh, Jie Yu, Kristin A Persson, Jeffrey B Neaton, and John M Gregoire."Discovery of Manganese-Based Solar Fuel Photoanodes via Integration of Electronic Structure Calculations, Pourbaix Stability Modeling, and High-Throughput Experiments."ACS Energy Letters
2.10 (2017) 2307 - 2312. DOI
Yan, Qimin, Jie Yu, Santosh K Suram, Lan Zhou, Aniketa Shinde, Paul F Newhouse, Wei Chen, Guo Li, Kristin A Persson, John M Gregoire, and Jeffrey B Neaton."Solar fuels photoanode materials discovery by integrating high-throughput theory and experiment."Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
114.12 (2017) 3040 - 3043. DOI
Zhou, Lan, Qimin Yan, Jie Yu, Ryan J. R Jones, Natalie Becerra-Stasiewicz, Santosh K Suram, Aniketa Shinde, Dan Guevarra, Jeffrey B Neaton, Kristin A Persson, and John M Gregoire."Stability and self-passivation of copper vanadate photoanodes under chemical, electrochemical, and photoelectrochemical operation."Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
18.14 (2016) 9349 - 9352. DOI