Publications by Category
Cappers, Peter, Jason S MacDonald, and Charles A Goldman."Market and Policy Barriers for Demand Response Providing Ancillary Services in U.S. Markets."
Koomey, Jonathan G, Hashem Akbari, Carl Blumstein, Marilyn A Brown, Richard E Brown, Chris Calwell, Sheryl Carter, Ralph Cavanagh, Audrey Chang, David Claridge, Paul P Craig, Richard C Diamond, Joseph H Eto, William Fulkerson, Ashok J Gadgil, Howard S Geller, José Goldemberg, Charles A Goldman, David B Goldstein, Steve E Greenberg, David Hafemeister, Jeffrey P Harris, Hal Harvey, Eric Heitz, Eric Hirst, Holmes Hummel, Daniel M Kammen, Henry Kelly, John A Laitner, Mark D Levine, Amory Lovins, Gil Masters, James E McMahon, Alan K Meier, Michael Messenger, John Millhone, Evan Mills, Steven M Nadel, Bruce Nordman, Lynn K Price, Joseph J Romm, Marc Ross, Michael Rufo, Jayant A Sathaye, Leon J Schipper, Stephen H Schneider, James L Sweeney, Malcolm Verdict, Diana Vorsatz, Devra Wang, Carl Weinberg, Richard Wilk, John Wilson, and Ernst Worrell."Defining a standard metric for electricity savings."Environmental Research Letters
5.1 (2010). DOI
Coughlin, Katie, Mary Ann Piette, Charles A Goldman, and Sila Kiliccote."Statistical analysis of baseline load models for non-residential buildings."Energy and Buildings
41.4 (2009) 374-381. DOI
Coughlin, Katie, Mary Ann Piette, Charles A Goldman, and Sila Kiliccote."Estimating Demand Response Load Impacts: Evaluation of Baseline Load Models for Non-Residential Buildings in California."
Heffner, Grayson C, Charles A Goldman, Brendan J Kirby, and Michael Kintner-Meyer."Loads Providing Ancillary Services: Review of International Experience."
Barbose, Galen L, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Charles A Goldman, Nicole C Hopper, and Bernard Neenan."Killing Two Birds with One Stone: Can Real-Time Pricing Support Retail Competition and Demand Response?."
(2006) 14.
Hopper, Nicole C, Charles A Goldman, and Bernard Neenan."Not All Large Customers Are Made Alike: Disaggregating Response to Default-Service Day-Ahead Market Pricing."2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Barbose, Galen L, Charles A Goldman, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Nicole C Hopper, Michael K Ting, and Bernard Neenan."Real Time Pricing as a Default or Optional Service for Commercial and Industrial Customers: A Comparative Analysis of Eight Case Studies."
Orans, Ren, Snuller Price, Jim Williams, Michael J Sullivan, Daniel Engel, Bernard Neenan, Doug Mahone, Charles A Goldman, and Galen L Barbose."DR Rate and Program Design - RON-02 Phase 2 Proposal."
Orans, Ren, Snuller Price, Jim Williams, Michael J Sullivan, Daniel Engel, Bernard Neenan, Doug Mahone, Charles A Goldman, and Galen L Barbose."DR Valuation - RON-01 Phase 2 Proposal."
Barbose, Galen L, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Charles A Goldman, Nicole C Hopper, and Bernard Neenan."Killing Two Birds with One Stone: Can Real-Time Pricing Support Retail Competition and Demand Response?."2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Barbose, Galen L, Charles A Goldman, and Bernard Neenan."A Survey of Utility Experience with Real Time Pricing."
(2004) 127.
Moezzi, Mithra M, Charles A Goldman, Osman Sezgen, Ranjit Bharvirkar, and Nicole C Hopper."Real Time Pricing and the Real Live Firm."
(2004) 16.
Goldman, Charles A, Nicole C Hopper, Osman Sezgen, Mithra M Moezzi, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Bernard Neenan, Richard Boisvert, Peter Cappers, and Donna Pratt."Customer Response to Day-ahead Wholesale Market Electricity Prices: Case Study of RTP Program Experience in New York."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2004) 208.
Goldman, Charles A, Bernard Lesieutre, and Emily S Bartholomew."A Review of Market Monitoring Activities at U.S. Independent System Operators."
(2004) 41.
Moezzi, Mithra M, Charles A Goldman, Osman Sezgen, Ranjit Bharvirkar, and Nicole C Hopper."Real Time Pricing and the Real Live Firm."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Neenan, Bernard, Donna Pratt, Peter Cappers, James Doane, Jeremey Anderson, Richard Boisvert, Charles A Goldman, Osman Sezgen, Galen L Barbose, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Michael Kintner-Meyer, Steve Shankle, and Derrick Bates."How and Why Customers Respond to Electricity Price Variability: A Study of NYISO and NYSERDA 2002 PRL Program Performance."
(2003) 376.
Goldman, Charles A, Michael Kintner-Meyer, and Grayson C Heffner."Do "Enabling Technologies" Affect Customer Performance in Price-Responsive Load Programs?."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2002) 16.
Goldman, Charles A, Grayson C Heffner, and Michael Kintner-Meyer."Impact of Enabling Technologies on Customer Load Curtailment Performance: Summer 2001 Results from NYSERDA’s PON 585 and 577 Programs and NYISO’s Emergency Demand Response Program."
(2002) 28.
Eto, Joseph H, Charles A Goldman, Grayson C Heffner, Brendan J Kirby, John D Kueck, Michael Kintner-Meyer, Jeffery E Dagle, Timothy D Mount, William Schulze, Robert J Thomas, and Ray Zimmerman."Innovative Developments in Load as a Reliability Resource."IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting
(2002) 3. DOI
Kueck, John D, Brendan J Kirby, Robert H Staunton, Joseph H Eto, Chris Marnay, Charles A Goldman, and Carlos A Martinez."Load As a Reliability Resource in Restructured Electricity Markets."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2001) 77.
Eto, Joseph H, Chris Marnay, Charles A Goldman, John D Kueck, Brendan J Kirby, Jeffery E Dagle, Fernando L Alvarado, Timothy D Mount, Shmuel S Oren, and Carlos A Martinez."An R&D agenda to enhance electricity system reliability by increasing customer participation in emerging competitive markets."IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2001
(2001) 247-251 vol.1. DOI