Publications by Category
X Author: Daniel Arnold
Dobbe, Roel, Oscar Sondermeijer, David Fridovich-Keil, Daniel Arnold, Duncan S Callaway, and Claire Tomlin."Toward Distributed Energy Services: Decentralizing Optimal Power Flow With Machine Learning."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
11.2 (2020) 1296 - 1306. DOI
Baudette, Maxime, Daniel Arnold, Craig Breaden, Michael D Sankur, Duncan S Callaway, and Jason S MacDonald."HIL-validation of an Extremum Seeking-based Controller for Advanced DER Management."2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT)2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT)
(2020). DOI
Sankur, Michael D, Maxime Baudette, Jason S MacDonald, Daniel Arnold, and Tung Bui."Batch Measurement Extremum Seeking Control of Distributed Energy Resources to Account for Communication Delays and Information Loss."Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesProceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
(2020). DOI
Roberts, Ciaran, Anna Scaglione, Mahdi Jamei, Reinhard Gentz, Sean Peisert, Emma M Stewart, Chuck McParland, Alex McEachern, and Daniel Arnold."Learning Behavior of Distribution System Discrete Control Devices for Cyber-Physical Security."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
11.1 (2020) 749 - 761. DOI
Sankur, Michael D, Roel Dobbe, Alexandra von Meier, and Daniel Arnold."Model-Free Optimal Voltage Phasor Regulation in Unbalanced Distribution Systems."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
11.1 (2020) 884 - 894. DOI
Dobbe, Roel, Werner van Westering, Stephan Liu, Daniel Arnold, Duncan S Callaway, and Claire Tomlin."Linear Single- and Three-Phase Voltage Forecasting and Bayesian State Estimation With Limited Sensing."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
35.3 (2020) 1674 - 1683. DOI
Schweitzer, Eran, Shammya Saha, Anna Scaglione, Nathan G Johnson, and Daniel Arnold."Lossy DistFlow Formulation for Single and Multiphase Radial Feeders."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
35.3 (2020) 1758 - 1768. DOI
Johnson, Jay, Adam Summers, Rachid Darbali-Zamora, Javier Hernandez-Alvidrez, Jimmy Quiroz, Daniel Arnold, and Jithendar Anandan."Distribution Voltage Regulation Using Extremum Seeking Control With Power Hardware-in-the-Loop."IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
8.6 (2018) 1824 - 1832. DOI
Arnold, Daniel, Michael D Sankur, Matias Negrete-Pincetic, and Duncan S Callaway."Model-Free Optimal Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources for Provisioning Transmission-Level Services."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
33.1 (2017) 817 - 828. DOI
Arnold, Daniel, Matias Negrete-Pincetic, Emma M Stewart, David M Auslander, and Duncan S Callaway."Extremum Seeking Control of Smart Inverters for VAR Compensation."Power & Energy Society General Meeting, IEEE