Publications by Category
X Author: Feng Ren
Chen, Ke, Bai Song, Navaneetha K Ravichandran, Qiye Zheng, Xi Chen, Hwijong Lee, Haoran Sun, Sheng Li, Geethal AmilaGama Gamage, Fei Tian, Zhiwei Ding, Qichen Song, Akash Rai, Hanlin Wu, Pawan Koirala, Aaron J Schmidt, Kenji Watanabe, Bing Lv, Zhifeng Ren, Li Shi, David G Cahill, Takashi Taniguchi, David Broido, and Gang Chen."Ultrahigh thermal conductivity in isotope-enriched cubic boron nitride."Science
367.6477 (2020) 555 - 559. DOI
Shen, Shaohua, Liejin Guo, Xiaobo Chen, Feng Ren, and Samuel S Mao."Effect of Ag2S on solar-driven photocatalytic hydrogen evolution of nanostructured CdS."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
35.13 (2010) 7110-7115. DOI