Publications by Category
X Author: Gregory M Su
Rongpipi, Sintu, Jonathan M Chan, Ashley Bird, Guillaume Freychet, Ahmet Kusoglu, and Gregory M Su."Revealing Mesoscale Ionomer Membrane Structure by Tender Resonant X-ray Scattering."ACS Applied Polymer Materials
(2024). DOI
Bui, Ngoc T, Hyungmook Kang, Simon J Teat, Gregory M Su, Chih-Wen Pao, Yi-Sheng Liu, Edmond W Zaia, Jinghua Guo, Jeng-Lung Chen, Katie R Meihaus, Chaochao Dun, Tracy M Mattox, Jeffrey R Long, Peter Fiske, Robert Kostecki, and Jeffrey J Urban."A nature-inspired hydrogen-bonded supramolecular complex for selective copper ion removal from water."Nature Communications
11.1 (2020). DOI