Publications by Category
X Author: Huaming Hou
Hou, Huaming, Bo Yang, Xianglei Mao, Vassilia Zorba, Pengxu Ran, and Richard E Russo."Characteristics of plasma plume in ultrafast laser ablation with a weakly ionized air channel."Optics Express
26.10 (2018) 13425. DOI
Hou, Huaming, Xianglei Mao, Vassilia Zorba, and Richard E Russo."Laser Ablation Molecular Isotopic Spectrometry for Molecules Formation Chemistry in Femtosecond-Laser Ablated Plasmas."Analytical Chemistry
89.14 (2017) 7750 - 7757. DOI
Cheng, Lei, Huaming Hou, Simon F Lux, Robert Kostecki, Ryan Davis, Vassilia Zorba, Apurva Mehta, and Marca M Doeff."Enhanced lithium ion transport in garnet-type solid state electrolytes."Journal of Electroceramics
38.2-4 (2017) 168 - 175. DOI
Chirinos, José R, Dayana D Oropeza, Jhanis J Gonzalez, Huaming Hou, Mark Morey, Vassilia Zorba, and Richard E Russo."Simultaneous 3-dimensional elemental imaging with LIBS and LA-ICP-MS."Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
29.7 (2014) 1292-1298. DOI
Hou, Huaming, and Vassilia Zorba."3D chemical imaging of Li-ion batteries using femtosecond laser plasma spectroscopy."CLEO: Science and Innovations, June 8-13, 2014
(2014). DOI
Cheng, Lei, Joong Sun Park, Huaming Hou, Vassilia Zorba, Guoying Chen, Thomas J Richardson, Jordi Cabana, Richard E Russo, and Marca M Doeff."Effect of microstructure and surface impurity segregation on the electrical and electrochemical properties of dense Al-substituted Li7La3Zr2O12."Journal of Materials Chemistry A
2.1 (2014) 172-181. DOI