Publications by Category
X Author: Ian G Shepherd
Gotoda, Hiroshi, Toshihisa Ueda, Ian G Shepherd, and Robert K Cheng."Flame flickering frequency on a rotating Bunsen burner."Chemical Engineering Science
62 (2007) 1753-1759. DOI
Bell, John B, Robert K Cheng, Marcus S Day, and Ian G Shepherd."Numerical simulation of Lewis number effects on lean premixed turbulent flames."Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
31.1 (2007) 1309-1317. DOI
Cheng, Robert K, Ian G Shepherd, Benoit Bédat, and Lawrence Talbot."Premixed turbulent flame structures in moderate and intense isotropic turbulence."Combusition Science and Technology
174.1 (2002) 29-59. DOI
Shepherd, Ian G, Robert K Cheng, Tobias Plessing, Christoph Kortschik, and Norbert Peters."Premixed Flame Font Structure in Intense Turbulence."Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
29.2 (2002) 1833-1840. DOI
Shepherd, Ian G, and Robert K Cheng."The burning rate of premixed flames in moderate and intense turbulence."Combustion and Flame
127.3 (2001) 2066-2075. DOI