Publications by Category
X Author: Maarten de Jong
Dagdelen, John, Joseph Montoya, Maarten de Jong, and Kristin A Persson."Computational prediction of new auxetic materials."Nature Communications
8.1 (2017). DOI
de Jong, Maarten, Wei Chen, Randy Notestine, Kristin A Persson, Gerbrand Ceder, Anubhav Jain, Mark D Asta, and Anthony C Gamst."A Statistical Learning Framework for Materials Science: Application to Elastic Moduli of k-nary Inorganic Polycrystalline Compounds."Scientific Reports
6.1 (2016). DOI
de Jong, Maarten, Wei Chen, Henry Geerlings, Mark D Asta, and Kristin A Persson."A database to enable discovery and design of piezoelectric materials."Scientific Data
2.1 (2015). DOI
de Jong, Maarten, Wei Chen, Thomas Angsten, Anubhav Jain, Randy Notestine, Anthony C Gamst, Marcel Sluiter, Chaitanya Krishna Ande, Sybrand van der Zwaag, Jose J Plata, Cormac Toher, Stefano Curtarolo, Gerbrand Ceder, Kristin A Persson, and Mark D Asta."Charting the complete elastic properties of inorganic crystalline compounds."Scientific Data
2 (2015). DOI