Publications by Category
X Author: Min Wang
Qian, Ji, Yang Ha, Krishna Prasad Koirala, Di Huang, Zhi Huang, Vincent S Battaglia, Chongmin Wang, Wanli Yang, and Wei Tong."Toward Stable Cycling of a Cost‐Effective Cation‐Disordered Rocksalt Cathode via Fluorination."Advanced Functional Materials
33.22 (2023). DOI
Ahn, Juhyeon, Raynald Giovine, Vincent C Wu, Krishna Prasad Koirala, Chongmin Wang, Raphaële J Clément, and Guoying Chen."Ultrahigh‐Capacity Rocksalt Cathodes Enabled by Cycling‐Activated Structural Changes."Advanced Energy Materials
13.23 (2023). DOI
Kim, Minkyung, Lianfeng Zou, Seoung-Bum Son, Ira D Bloom, Chongmin Wang, and Guoying Chen."Improving LiNiO2 cathode performance through particle design and optimization."Journal of Materials Chemistry A
10.24 (2022) 12890 - 12899. DOI
Ahn, Juhyeon, Yang Ha, Rohit Satish, Raynald Giovine, Linze Li, Jue Liu, Chongmin Wang, Raphaële J Clément, Robert Kostecki, Wanli Yang, and Guoying Chen."Exceptional Cycling Performance Enabled by Local Structural Rearrangements in Disordered Rocksalt Cathodes."Advanced Energy Materials
12.27 (2022) 2200426. DOI
Satish, Rohit, Lennart Wichmann, Matthew J Crafton, Raynald Giovine, Linze Li, Juhyeon Ahn, Yuan Yue, Wei Tong, Guoying Chen, Chongmin Wang, Raphaële J Clément, and Robert Kostecki."Exposure History and its Effect Towards Stabilizing Li Exchange Across Disordered Rock Salt Interfaces."ChemElectroChem
8.20 (2021) 3982 - 3991. DOI
Yue, Yuan, Yang Ha, Tzu-Yang Huang, Ning Li, Linze Li, Qingtian Li, Jun Feng, Chongmin Wang, Bryan D McCloskey, Wanli Yang, and Wei Tong."Interplay between Cation and Anion Redox in Ni-Based Disordered Rocksalt Cathodes."ACS Nano
15.8 (2021) 13360 - 13369. DOI
Li, Linze, Zhengyan Lun, Dongchang Chen, Yuan Yue, Wei Tong, Guoying Chen, Gerbrand Ceder, and Chongmin Wang."Fluorination‐Enhanced Surface Stability of Cation‐Disordered Rocksalt Cathodes for Li‐Ion Batteries."Advanced Functional Materials
31.25 (2021) 2101888. DOI
Zou, Lianfeng, Wengao Zhao, Haiping Jia, Jianming Zheng, Linze Li, Daniel P Abraham, Guoying Chen, Jason R Croy, Ji-Guang Zhang, and Chongmin Wang."The Role of Secondary Particle Structures in Surface Phase Transitions of Ni-Rich Cathodes."Chemistry of Materials
32.7 (2020) 2884 - 2892. DOI
Zou, Lianfeng, Yang He, Zhenyu Liu, Haiping Jia, Jian Zhu, Jianming Zheng, Guofeng Wang, Xiaolin Li, Jie Xiao, Jun Liu, Ji-Guang Zhang, Guoying Chen, and Chongmin Wang."Unlocking the passivation nature of the cathode–air interfacial reactions in lithium ion batteries."Nature Communications
11.1 (2020). DOI
Yue, Yuan, Ning Li, Linze Li, Emily E Foley, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S Battaglia, Raphaële J Clément, Chongmin Wang, and Wei Tong."Redox Behaviors in a Li-Excess Cation-Disordered Mn–Nb–O–F Rocksalt Cathode."Chemistry of Materials
32.11 (2020) 4490 - 4498. DOI
Wang, Hui, Xuefei Feng, Ying Chen, Yi-Sheng Liu, Kee Sung Han, Mingxia Zhou, Mark H Engelhard, Vijayakumar Murugesan, Rajeev S Assary, Tianbiao Leo Liu, Wesley Henderson, Zimin Nie, Meng Gu, Jie Xiao, Chongmin Wang, Kristin A Persson, Donghai Mei, Ji-Guang Zhang, Karl T Mueller, Jinghua Guo, Kevin Zavadil, Yuyan Shao, and Jun Liu."Reversible Electrochemical Interface of Mg Metal and Conventional Electrolyte Enabled by Intermediate Adsorption."ACS Energy Letters
5.1 (2020) 200 - 206. DOI
Van Cleve, Tim, Sunilkumar Khandavalli, Anamika Chowdhury, Samantha Medina, Svitlana Pylypenko, Min Wang, Karren L More, Nancy Kariuki, Deborah J Myers, Adam Z Weber, Scott A Mauger, Michael Ulsh, and K C Neyerlin."Dictating Pt-Based Electrocatalyst Performance in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells, from Formulation to Application."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
11.50 (2019) 46953 - 46964. DOI
Xiao, Qiangfeng, Meng Gu, Hui Yang, Bing Li, Cunman Zhang, Yang Liu, Fang Liu, Fang Dai, Li Yang, Zhongyi Liu, Xingcheng Xiao, Gao Liu, Peng Zhao, Sulin Zhang, Chongmin Wang, Yunfeng Lu, and Mei Cai."Inward lithium-ion breathing of hierarchically porous silicon anodes."Nature Communications
6 (2015) 8844. DOI
Shao, Yuyan, Nav Nidhi Rajput, Jianzhi Hu, Mary Hu, Tianbiao Liu, Zhehao Wei, Meng Gu, Xuchu Deng, Suochang Xu, Kee Sung Han, Jiulin Wang, Zimin Nie, Guosheng Li, Kevin R Zavadil, Jie Xiao, Chongmin Wang, Wesley A Henderson, Ji-Guang Zhang, Yong Wang, Karl T Mueller, Kristin A Persson, and Jun Liu."Nanocomposite polymer electrolyte for rechargeable magnesium batteries."Nano Energy
12 (2015) 750-759. DOI
Xiao, Xingcheng, Weidong Zhou, Youngnam Kim, Ill Ryu, Meng Gu, Chongmin Wang, Gao Liu, Zhongyi Liu, and Huajian Gao."Regulated Breathing Effect of Silicon Negative Electrode for Dramatically Enhanced Performance of Li-Ion Battery."Advanced Functional Materials
25.9 (2015) 1426 - 1433. DOI