Publications by Category
X Author: Prabhakar Singh
Hu, Boxun, Grace Y Lau, Kevin X Lee, Seraphim Belko, Prabhakar Singh, and Michael C Tucker."Ethanol-fueled metal supported solid oxide fuel cells with a high entropy alloy internal reforming catalyst."Journal of Power Sources
582 (2023) 233544. DOI
Welander, Martha M, Boxun Hu, Seraphim Belko, Kevin X Lee, Pawan K Dubey, Ian Robinson, Prabhakar Singh, and Michael C Tucker."Direct utilization of gaseous fuels in metal supported solid oxide fuel cells."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
48.4 (2023) 1533 - 1539. DOI
Shen, Fengyu, Michael Reisert, Ruofan Wang, Prabhakar Singh, and Michael C Tucker."Assessment of Protective Coatings for Metal-Supported Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells."ACS Applied Energy Materials
5.8 (2022) 9383 - 9391. DOI
Reisert, Michael, Viktoriya Berova, Ashish Aphale, Prabhakar Singh, and Michael C Tucker."Oxidation of porous stainless steel supports for metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells."International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
45.55 (2020) 30882 - 30897. DOI