Publications by Category
X Author: Richard E Brown
Touzani, Samir, Anand Prakash, Zhe Wang, Shreya Agarwal, Marco Pritoni, Mariam Kiran, Richard E Brown, and Jessica Granderson."Controlling distributed energy resources via deep reinforcement learning for load flexibility and energy efficiency."Applied Energy
304 (2021) 117733. DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Richard E Brown, Phillip N Price, Janie Page, Jessica Granderson, David Riess, Stephen Czarnecki, Girish Ghatikar, and Steven Lanzisera."Automated Measurement and Signaling Systems for the Transactional Network."
Black, Douglas R, Steven Lanzisera, Judy Lai, Richard E Brown, and Brett C Singer."Evaluation of Miscellaneous and Electronic Device Energy Use in Hospitals."World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
10.1/2/3 (2013) 113-128. DOI
Koomey, Jonathan G, Hashem Akbari, Carl Blumstein, Marilyn A Brown, Richard E Brown, Chris Calwell, Sheryl Carter, Ralph Cavanagh, Audrey Chang, David Claridge, Paul P Craig, Richard C Diamond, Joseph H Eto, William Fulkerson, Ashok J Gadgil, Howard S Geller, José Goldemberg, Charles A Goldman, David B Goldstein, Steve E Greenberg, David Hafemeister, Jeffrey P Harris, Hal Harvey, Eric Heitz, Eric Hirst, Holmes Hummel, Daniel M Kammen, Henry Kelly, John A Laitner, Mark D Levine, Amory Lovins, Gil Masters, James E McMahon, Alan K Meier, Michael Messenger, John Millhone, Evan Mills, Steven M Nadel, Bruce Nordman, Lynn K Price, Joseph J Romm, Marc Ross, Michael Rufo, Jayant A Sathaye, Leon J Schipper, Stephen H Schneider, James L Sweeney, Malcolm Verdict, Diana Vorsatz, Devra Wang, Carl Weinberg, Richard Wilk, John Wilson, and Ernst Worrell."Defining a standard metric for electricity savings."Environmental Research Letters
5.1 (2010). DOI
Koomey, Jonathan G, Chris Calwell, John A Laitner, Jane Thornton, Richard E Brown, Joseph H Eto, Carrie A Webber, Cathy Cullicott, Robert H Socolow, Dennis Anderson, and John Harte."Sorry, wrong number: The use and misuse of numerical facts in analysis and media reporting of energy issues."Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 2002
27 (2002) 119-158. DOI
Brown, Richard E, Jiuping Pan, Xiaoming Feng, and Krassimir Koutlev."Siting Distributed Generation to Defer T&D Expansion."Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2001 IEEE/PES
2 (2001) 622-627. DOI
Brown, Richard E, and Lavelle Freeman."Analyzing the reliability impact of distributed generation."Power Engineering Society Summer Meeting, 2001. IEEE
2 (2001) 1013-1018. DOI