Publications by Category
X Author: Salman Mashayekh
Gust, Gunther, Tobias Brandt, Salman Mashayekh, Miguel Heleno, Nicholas DeForest, michael stadler, and Dirk Neumann."Strategies for microgrid operation under real-world conditions."European Journal of Operational Research
292.1 (2021) 339 - 352. DOI
Heleno, Miguel, Carmen Bas Domenech, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Salman Mashayekh."The microgrid investment and planning in rural locations."Microgrids for Rural Areas: Research and case studies
(2020) 33 - 54.
Grover-Silva, Etta, Miguel Heleno, Salman Mashayekh, Gonçalo Cardoso, Robin Girard, and George Kariniotakis."A Stochastic Optimal Power Flow for Scheduling Flexible Resources in Microgrids Operation."
Heleno, Miguel, Salman Mashayekh, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Rodrigo De Luis."Optimal Sizing and Placement of Distributed Generation: MILP vs PSO Comparison in a Real Microgrid Application."Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems (ISAP) Conference
Armendariz, M, Miguel Heleno, Gonçalo Cardoso, Salman Mashayekh, Michael Stadler, and L Nordström."Coordinated Microgrid Investment and Planning Process Considering the System Operator."Applied Energy
200 (2017) 132-140. DOI
Mashayekh, Salman, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, Miguel Heleno, Sreenath Chalil Madathil, Harsha Nagarajan, Russell Bent, Marc Mueller-Stoffels, Xiaonan Lu, and Jianhui Wang."Security-Constrained Design of Isolated Multi-Energy Microgrids."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
33.3 (2017) 2452 - 2462. DOI
Cardoso, Gonçalo, Michael Stadler, Salman Mashayekh, and Elias Hartvigsson."The impact of Ancillary Services in optimal DER investment decisions."Energy
130 (2017) 99-112. DOI
Mashayekh, Salman, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Miguel Heleno."A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach for Optimal DER Portfolio, Sizing, and Placement in Multi-Energy Microgrids."Applied Energy
187 (2017) 154-168. DOI
Mammoli, Andrea A, Bhuwanbabu Bastola, Steve Willard, Dean Weng, Arindam Maitra, Salman Mashayekh, Michael Stadler, and Pablo Fontela Martinez."Optimization of Investments to Upgrade an Island Distribution System."CIGRE US National Committee, 2016 Grid of the Future Symposium
Schittekatte, Tim, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, Salman Mashayekh, and Sankar Narayanan."The Impact of Short-term Stochastic Variability in Solar Irradiance on Optimal Microgrid Design."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
PP.99 (2016). DOI
Stadler, Michael, Gonçalo Cardoso, Salman Mashayekh, Thibault Forget, Nicholas DeForest, Ankit Agarwal, and Anna Schönbein."Value Streams in Microgrids: A Literature Review."Applied Energy
162 (2016) 980-989. DOI
Ghatikar, Girish, Salman Mashayekh, Michael Stadler, Rongxin Yin, and Zhenhua Liu."Distributed Energy Systems Integration and Demand Optimization for Autonomous Operations and Electric Grid Transactions."Applied Energy
Mashayekh, Salman, Wei Feng, Chris Marnay, C Birk Jones, Matthew Robinson, Hans Barsun, Leila Ghanbari, and Andrea A Mammoli."Software-as-a-Service Optimal Scheduling of New Mexico Buildings."European Council on an Energy Efficient Economy 2015 Summer Study
Milan, Christian, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Salman Mashayekh."Modelling of Non-linear CHP Efficiency Curves in Distributed Energy Systems."Applied Energy
148 (2015) 334-347. DOI