Publications by Category
X Author: Sankar Narayanan
Schittekatte, Tim, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, Salman Mashayekh, and Sankar Narayanan."The Impact of Short-term Stochastic Variability in Solar Irradiance on Optimal Microgrid Design."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
PP.99 (2016). DOI
Stadler, Michael, Salman Mashayekh, Sankar Narayanan, Nicholas DeForest, and Tobias Brandt."Supervisory Controller for PV and Storage Microgrids."
DeForest, Nicholas, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, Tobias Brandt, and Sankar Narayanan."Enabling Broad Adoption of Distributed PV-Storage Systems Via Supervisory Planning and Control."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2014