Applied Energy Materials

Applied Energy Materials

The Applied Energy Materials group focuses on synthesis and processing of energy materials including energy storage materials, solar energy materials, high performance materials and prototype development based on modern atomistic computational, synthesis and processing methods.

Materials for a Next-Generation Electric Grid

Scaling clean energy requires new materials that can help boost the amount of renewables we harvest and can store surpluses for when they are needed. In the Applied Energy Materials group, we are developing:

  • Energy storage materials
  • Solar energy materials
  • High performance materials

Gao Liu and team members in lab

Methodologies:Kristin Persson Discussing Computer Modeling

  • Computational research/materials genomics
  • Materials synthesis and combinatory research
  • Polymer composites synthesis, formulation and scale

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Team Members
Leader, Applied Energy Materials Group and Chemist Staff Scientist/Engineer
Chemist Staff Scientist/Engineer
Chemist Research Scientist/Engineer
Chemist Research Scientist/Engineer