Publications by Category
Shi, Li, Chris Dames, Jennifer R Lukes, Pramod Reddy, John C Duda, David G Cahill, Jaeho Lee, Amy Marconnet, Kenneth E Goodson, Je-Hyeong Bahk, Ali Shakouri, Ravi S Prasher, Jonathan Felts, William P King, Bumsoo Han, and John C Bischof."Evaluating Broader Impacts of Nanoscale Thermal Transport Research."Nanoscale Microscale Thermophys. Eng.
19 (2015) 127–165. DOI
Hu, Xuejiao, Ravi S Prasher, and Kenneth E Goodson."Thermal Conduction Phenomena in Advanced Interface Materials for Electronics Cooling."ASME 2005 Summer Heat Transfer Conference collocated with the ASME 2005 Pacific Rim Technical Conference and Exhibition on Integration and Packaging of MEMS, NEMS, and Electronic Systems
(2005) 963–966. DOI
Kramer, Theresa A, Roger D Flynn, David W Fogg, Evelyn N Wang, Carlos H Hidrovo, Kenneth E Goodson, Ravi S Prasher, David Chau, and Sridhar Narasimhan."Microchannel Experimental Structure for Measuring Temperature Fields During Convective Boiling."ASME 2004 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
(2004) 699–705. DOI
Cho, Eun Seok, Jae-Mo Koo, Linan Jiang, Ravi S Prasher, Min Soo Kim, J G Santiago, T W Kenny, and Kenneth E Goodson."Experimental study on two-phase heat transfer in microchannel heat sinks with hotspots."Ninteenth Annual IEEE Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, 2003.
(2003) 242–246. DOI
Jiang, Linan, Jae-Mo Koo, Evelyn N Wang, Abdullahel Bari, Eun Seok Cho, Wendy Ong, Ravi S Prasher, James G Maveety, Min Soo Kim, Thomas W Kenny, Juan G Santiago, and Kenneth E Goodson."Cross-Linked Microchannels for VLSI Hotspot Cooling."ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
(2002). DOI
Koo, Jae-Mo, Sungjun Im, Eun Seok Cho, Ravi S Prasher, Evelyn N Wang, Linan Jiang, Abdullahel Bari, David Campion, David W Fogg, Min Soo Kim, Thomas W Kenny, Juan G Santiago, and Kenneth E Goodson."VLSI Hotspot Cooling Using Two-Phase Microchannel Convection."ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
(2002) 13–19. DOI