Publications by Category
X Author: Shankar Devasenathipathy
Tong, Tao, Je-Young Chang, Shankar Devasenathipathy, John Dirner, Suzana Prstic, and Ravi S Prasher."High-Speed Visualization of Phase-Change Processes in Silicon Microchannels With Water and HFE-7100 as Working Fluids."ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and ExpositionVolume 5: Electronics and Photonics
(2007). DOI
Tong, Tao, Je-Young Chang, Shankar Devasenathipathy, John Dirner, Suzana Prstic, and Ravi S Prasher."Performances of Silicon Micro-Flow-Passage Cold Plates From Single-Phase to Two-Phase With Water and HFE-7100 as Working Fluids."ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
(2007) 95–110. DOI
Tong, Tao, Shankar Devasenathipathy, Je-Young Chang, John Dirner, Suzana Prstic, and Ravi S Prasher."Performance of Two-Phase Microchannels at Sub-Atmospheric Pressure."ASME 2006 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
(2006) 183–192. DOI