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Moreira, Alexandre, Miguel Heleno, Alan Valenzuela, Joseph H Eto, Jaime Ortega, and Cristina Botero."A Scalable Approach to Large Scale Risk-Averse Distribution Grid Expansion Planning."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
(2023) 1 - 14. DOI
Wirtz, Marco, Miguel Heleno, Hannah Romberg, Thomas Schreiber, and Dirk Muller."Multi-period design optimization for a 5th generation district heating and cooling network."Energy and Buildings
284 (2023) 112858. DOI
Wirtz, Marco, Miguel Heleno, Alexandre Moreira, Thomas Schreiber, and Dirk Muller."5th generation district heating and cooling network planning: A Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition approach."Energy Conversion and Management
276 (2023) 116593. DOI
Agarwal, Shreya, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Virginie E Letschert, Won Young Park, and Usamah Kaggwa."A review of the legislative landscape and refrigeration market for introducing an energy efficiency standards and labeling program for refrigeration appliances in Uganda."2021 Joint Conference - 11th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting & 17th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Lighting (EEDAL/LS:17)
Moreira, Alexandre, Alan Valenzuela, and Miguel Heleno."Solving Market-Based Large-Scale Security-Constrained AC Optimal Power Flows."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
(2022) 1 - 13. DOI
Roberts, Ciaran, José Daniel Lara, Rodrigo Henriquez-Auba, Matthew Bossart, Ranjan Anantharaman, Chris Rackauckas, Bri-Mathias Hodge, and Duncan S Callaway."Continuous-time echo state networks for predicting power system dynamics."Electric Power Systems Research
212 (2022) 108562. DOI
Heleno, Miguel, Benjamin Sigrin, Natalie Popovich, Jenny Heeter, Anjuli Jain Figueroa, Michael Reiner, and Tony Reames."Optimizing equity in energy policy interventions: A quantitative decision-support framework for energy justice."Applied Energy
325 (2022) 119771. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Neeraj Nayak, Simon Mo, Ken Martin, Song Xue, Horacio Silva-Saravia, Jay Chen, Jim Follum, Nicholas Betzsold, Shuchismita Biswaz, and Tianzhixi Yin."Eastern Interconnection Situational Awareness Monitoring System (ESAMS) Demonstration Project."
Grant, Peter, and Christoph Gehbauer."Evaluating the Impacts of Weather Forecast Inaccuracy on Performance of Model Predictive Control for Dynamic Facades."2022 Building Performance Modeling Conference and SimBuild
Gehbauer, Christoph, Yulun Wu, James Brown, and Michael D Sohn."Optimal Sizing of Integrated Community Energy Systems Considering Equity Constraints, Proceedings of the 2022 Building Performance Modeling and SimBuild Conference, International Building Performance Simulation Association."2022 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild
To, Thanh, Miguel Heleno, and Alan Valenzuela."Risk-constrained multi-period investment model for Distributed Energy Resources considering technology costs and regulatory uncertainties."Applied Energy
319 (2022) 119210. DOI
Gehbauer, Christoph, Andreas S Rippl, and Eleanor S Lee."Advanced Control of Dynamic Facades and HVAC with Reinforcement Learning."Building Simulation 2021
Marques, Luciana, Miguel Heleno, and Wadaed Uturbey."Decentralized Frameworks for Future Power SystemsTransactive control for residential demand-side management."
(2022) 277 - 317. DOI
Agarwal, Shreya, and Douglas R Black."Optimal sizing of microgrid DERs for specialized critical load resilience."2022 IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference (IGESSC)2022 IEEE Green Energy and Smart System Systems (IGESSC)
(2022). DOI
Moreira, Alexandre, Miguel Heleno, and Alan Valenzuela."A Risk-Averse Approach for Distribution Grid Expansion Planning."Energies
14.24 (2021) 8482. DOI
Touzani, Samir, Anand Prakash, Zhe Wang, Shreya Agarwal, Marco Pritoni, Mariam Kiran, Richard E Brown, and Jessica Granderson."Controlling distributed energy resources via deep reinforcement learning for load flexibility and energy efficiency."Applied Energy
304 (2021) 117733. DOI
Giannelos, Spyros, Anjali Jain, Stefan Borozan, Paola Falugi, Alexandre Moreira, Rohit Bhakar, Jyotirmay Mathur, and Goran Strbac."Long-Term Expansion Planning of the Transmission Network in India under Multi-Dimensional Uncertainty."Energies
14.22 (2021) 7813. DOI
Marques, Luciana, Wadaed Uturbey, and Miguel Heleno."An Integer Non-Cooperative Game Approach for the Transactive Control of Thermal Appliances in Energy Communities."Energies
14.21 (2021) 6971. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Francis Tuffner, John Undrill, Don Scoffield, Dmitry Kosterev, and Ryan Quint."Distribution-Level Impacts of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging on the Transmission System during Fault Conditions."
Morozovska, Kateryna, Miguel Heleno, Alan Valenzuela Meza, and Patrik Hilber."Including Dynamic Line Rating Into the Optimal Planning of Distributed Energy Resources."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
12.6 (2021) 5052 - 5059. DOI
Rossi, Federico, Miguel Heleno, Riccardo Basosi, and Adalgisa Sinicropi."LCA driven solar compensation mechanism for Renewable Energy Communities: the Italian case."Energy
235 (2021) 121374. DOI
Gust, Gunther, Tobias Brandt, Salman Mashayekh, Miguel Heleno, Nicholas DeForest, michael stadler, and Dirk Neumann."Strategies for microgrid operation under real-world conditions."European Journal of Operational Research
292.1 (2021) 339 - 352. DOI
Saumweber, Andrea, Lars Wederhake, Gonçalo Cardoso, Gilbert Fridgen, and Miguel Heleno."Designing Pareto optimal electricity retail rates when utility customers are prosumers."Energy Policy
(2021) 112339. DOI
Ribó-Pérez, David, Miguel Heleno, and Carlos Álvarez-Bel."The flexibility gap: Socioeconomic and geographical factors driving residential flexibility."Energy Policy
153 (2021) 112282. DOI
Wang, Zhe, Tianzhen Hong, Han Li, and Mary Ann Piette."Predicting city-scale daily electricity consumption using data-driven models."Advances in Applied Energy
2 (2021) 100025. DOI