Adam Weber

Adam Weber

Adam Z. Weber holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from Tufts University, and a Ph.D. at University of California, Berkeley in chemical engineering under the guidance of John Newman. Dr. Weber is a Senior Scientist and Leader of the Energy-Conversion at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, co-Director of the DOE funded Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck Consortium and Chief Technology Officer of the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES). His current research and activities involve understanding and optimizing fuel-cell and electrolyzer performance and lifetime using advanced modeling and diagnostics, understanding flow batteries for grid-scale energy storage, and analysis of solar-fuel generators and CO2 reduction to value added products. Dr. Weber has coauthored over 200 peer-reviewed articles and 11 book chapters on fuel cells, flow batteries, and related electrochemical devices, developed many widely used models for fuel cells and their components, has been invited to present his work at various international and national meetings, and has 6 patents. He is the recipient of a number of awards including a Fulbright scholarship to Australia, a 2012 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the 2014 Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award of the Electrochemical Society, the 2016 Sir William Grove Award from the International Association for Hydrogen Energy, a 2020 R&D100 award for microelectrode development, the 2023 Fuel Cell Award from the Department of Energy, and the 2023 Research Award of the Energy Technology Division of the Electrochemical Society. He is a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society.

Contact Information

Phone: 510-486-6308


2024 Neil Armstrong™ Award of Excellence -  July 2nd 2024

The Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF) announced Dr. Adam Weber will be the recipient of the esteemed 2024 Neil Armstrong™ Award of Excellence(link is external). The award recognizes an Astronaut Scholar alum who best exemplifies the personal character and professional achievements of the first human to walk on the Moon, Neil Armstrong.

2023 Annual Merit Review Award from DOE's Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office -  June 8th 2023

Dr. Adam Weber (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) for exceptional co-leadership of the Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck national lab consortium and outstanding contributions to state-of-the-art fuel cell modeling and characterization.

2023 Energy Technology Division Research Award from the Electrochemical Society -  June 6th 2023
Spot: Team Workforce Development -  August 18th 2021
2020 R&D 100 Award: Microelectrode Cell -  October 5th 2020


A Tool to Accelerate Electrochemical and Solid-State Innovation

Berkeley Lab scientists invented a microelectrode cell to analyze and test electrochemical systems with solid electrolytes. Thanks to significant cost and performance advantages, this tool can accelerate development of critical applications such as energy storage and conversion (fuel cells, batteries, electrolyzers), carbon capture, desalination, and industrial decarbonization.

Solid electrolytes have been displacing liquid electrolytes as the focus of electrochemical innovation because of their performance, safety, and cost advantages. However, the lack of effective methods and equipment for studying solid electrolytes has hindered advancement of the technologies that employ them. This microelectrode cell meets the testing needs, and is already being used by Berkeley Lab scientists.


Electrochemical Society 2018 Fellow: Adam Weber -  August 1st 2018

Adam Weber, who leads the Energy Conversion Group within Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Energy Technologies Area, was recently named to the Electrochemical Society's 2018 Class of Fellows. The fellows are chosen for their scientific achievements, leadership and service to the society.

Weber's current research involves understanding and optimizing fuel-cell and electrolyzer performance and lifetime using advanced modeling and diagnostics, understanding flow batteries for grid-scale energy storage, and analysis of solar-fuel generators. Recently, he co-explored novel routes towards improving polymer-electrolyte fuel-cell performance with thin-film electrodes. The research appeared in Joule earlier this year.

He also serves as a Thrust Coordinator in the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP), Deputy Director of the HydroGen – Advanced Water Splitting Materials (H2-AWSM) consortium, Deputy Director of Fuel Cell – Performance and Durability (FC-PAD) consortium, and Lab Program Manager for Fuel-Cell Technologies Office. He is the past chair of the Energy Technologies Division of the Electrochemical Society.

Weber will receive the Class of Fellows honor as part of the 234th ECS meeting this October in Cancun, Mexico.

IAHE Sir William Grove Award -  August 3rd 2016

For leadership in Electrochemical Area (involvement with fuel cells and electrolyzers, and other electro-chemical means relating to hydrogen processing). Sir William Grove was the inventor of the fuel cell in England in 1839, producing electricity and water from hydrogen and oxygen.

2014 Kavli Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences -  November 21st 2014

Adam Weber was selected as a Kavli Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) for 2014, and was invited to attend the 2014 U.S. Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium held in November 2014 at the National Academy of Sciences at the Beckman Center in Irvine, CA. Jointly sponsored by the US National Academy of Sciences and The Kavli Foundation, the Kavli Frontiers of Science bring together some of the very best young scientists to discuss exciting advances and opportunities in their fields in a format that encourages informal collective, as well as one-on-one discussions among participants. These are highly interdisciplinary symposia emphasizing communication of a wide range of contemporary science topics across the traditional disciplines. The Kavli Frontiers of Science symposia are attended by approximately 80 to 100 scholars under 45 years of age. Participants include leading researchers from academic, industrial, and federal laboratories in such disciplines as astronomy, astrophysics, atmospheric science, biology, biomedicine, chemistry, computer science, earth sciences, genetics, material sciences, mathematical sciences, neurosciences, pharmacology, and physics. The NAS and Kavli foundation advisory board selects Kavli fellows from among scientists who received prestigious fellowships, awards, and other honors, or who are nominated by NAS members and previous fellows. Eighteen percent of those elected to the National Academy of Sciences have been Kavli fellows. Over one hundred and forty Kavli fellows have been elected to the NAS since the program's inception in 1989 and eight have won Nobel Prizes.

2014 Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award of the Electrochemical Society -  June 17th 2014

The Charles W. Tobias Young Investigator Award was established in 2003 by The Electrochemical Society to recognize outstanding scientific and/or engineering work in fundamental or applied electrochemistry or solid-state science and technology by a young scientist or engineer.

Dr. Weber was being recognized for the promise he shows as a developing leader of research in electrochemistry and in particular fuel cells, flow batteries, and solar-fuel generators.

Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers -  December 23rd 2013

The Presidential Early Career Awards embody the high priority the Obama Administration places on producing outstanding scientists and engineers to advance the Nation’s goals, tackle grand challenges, and contribute to the American economy. The awards, established by President Clinton in 1996, are coordinated by the Office of Science and Technology Policy within the Executive Office of the President. Awardees are selected for their pursuit of innovative research at the frontiers of science and technology and their commitment to community service as demonstrated through scientific leadership, public education, or community outreach.

Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award -  April 17th 2012

Adam Weber, of EETD's Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Department, has received the Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award of The Electrochemical Society recognizing outstanding young researchers in the field of energy technology.

Best Poster Paper Award at the 2012 Fuel Cell Science and Technology Grove Conference, Berlin -  April 17th 2012

Ahmet Kusoglu, Anthony Kwong, Kyle Clark, Haluna Gunterman and Adam Z. Weber received the Best Poster award at the 2012 Fuel Cell Science and Technology Grove Conference, Berlin for a poster titles "Water Uptake in Fuel‐Cell Catalyst Layers." 

2008 Oronzio and Niccolò De Nora Foundation Prize of ISE on Applied Electrochemistry -  October 21st 2008

The International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) award is presented to a scientist under 35 years of age based on publication record and impact in the field.

Journal and Editorial Board Memberships

Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Editorial Board
