Publications by Category
Li, Zeheng, Chen Fang, Chao Qian, Shudong Zhou, Xiangyun Song, Min Ling, Chengdu Liang, and Gao Liu."Polyisoprene Captured Sulfur Nanocomposite Materials for High-Areal-Capacity Lithium Sulfur Battery."ACS Applied Polymer Materials
1.8 (2019) 1965 - 1970. DOI
Xiao, Xingcheng, Weidong Zhou, Youngnam Kim, Ill Ryu, Meng Gu, Chongmin Wang, Gao Liu, Zhongyi Liu, and Huajian Gao."Regulated Breathing Effect of Silicon Negative Electrode for Dramatically Enhanced Performance of Li-Ion Battery."Advanced Functional Materials
25.9 (2015) 1426 - 1433. DOI