Publications by Category
X Author: Han Li
Wang, Zhe, Tianzhen Hong, Han Li, and Mary Ann Piette."Predicting city-scale daily electricity consumption using data-driven models."Advances in Applied Energy
2 (2021) 100025. DOI
Luo, Xiaoyan, Douglas I Kushner, Jonathan Li, Eun Joo Park, Yu Seung Kim, and Ahmet Kusoglu."Anion Exchange Ionomers: Impact of Chemistry on Thin‐Film Properties."Advanced Functional Materials
(2021) 2008778. DOI
Dobbe, Roel, Werner van Westering, Stephan Liu, Daniel Arnold, Duncan S Callaway, and Claire Tomlin."Linear Single- and Three-Phase Voltage Forecasting and Bayesian State Estimation With Limited Sensing."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
35.3 (2020) 1674 - 1683. DOI
Chen, Hao, Min Ling, Luke Hencz, Han Yeu Ling, Gaoran Li, Zhan Lin, Gao Liu, and Shanqing Zhang."Exploring Chemical, Mechanical, and Electrical Functionalities of Binders for Advanced Energy-Storage Devices."Chemical Reviews
118.18 (2018) 8936 - 8982. DOI
Nan, Caiyun, Zhan Lin, Honggang Liao, Min-Kyu Song, Yadong Li, and Elton J Cairns."Durable Carbon-Coated Li2S Core–Shell Spheres for High Performance Lithium/Sulfur Cells."Journal of the American Chemical Society
136 (2014) 4659-4663. DOI
Gunawan, Andrey, Hechao Li, Chao-Han Lin, Daniel A Buttry, Vladimiro Mujica, Robert A Taylor, Ravi S Prasher, and Patrick E Phelan."The amplifying effect of natural convection on power generation of thermogalvanic cells."Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.
78 (2014) 423–434. DOI
Lin, Zhan, Caiyun Nan, Yifan Ye, Jinghua Guo, Junfa Zhu, and Elton J Cairns."High Performance Lithium/Sulfur Cells with a Bi-functionally Immobilized Sulfur Cathode."Nano Energy
9 (2013) 408-416. DOI
Gunawan, Andrey, Chao-Han Lin, Daniel A Buttry, Vladimiro Mujica, Robert A Taylor, Ravi S Prasher, and Patrick E Phelan."Liquid Thermoelectrics: Review of Recent And Limited New Data of Thermogalvanic Cell Experiments."Nanoscale Microscale Thermophys. Eng.
17 (2013) 304–323. DOI
Lin, Chao-Han, Andrey Gunawan, Patrick E Phelan, Daniel A Buttry, Vladimiro Mujica, Robert A Taylor, and Ravi S Prasher."Optimization of Cell Configuration for Maximizing Performance of a Cu/Cu2+ Aqueous Thermogalvanic Cell."ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
(2012) 541–547. DOI
Lei, Jianfei, Weishan Li, Xiaoping Li, and Elton J Cairns."Nanoconic TiO2 hollow spheres: novel buffers architectured for high-capacity anode materials."Journal of Materials Chemistry
22 (2012) 22022-22027. DOI
Rao, Mumin, Weishan Li, and Elton J Cairns."Porous carbon-sulfur composite cathode for lithium/sulfur cells."Electrochemistry Communications
17 (2012) 1-5. DOI