Publications by Category
X Author: Roel Dobbe
Dobbe, Roel, Oscar Sondermeijer, David Fridovich-Keil, Daniel Arnold, Duncan S Callaway, and Claire Tomlin."Toward Distributed Energy Services: Decentralizing Optimal Power Flow With Machine Learning."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
11.2 (2020) 1296 - 1306. DOI
Sankur, Michael D, Roel Dobbe, Alexandra von Meier, and Daniel Arnold."Model-Free Optimal Voltage Phasor Regulation in Unbalanced Distribution Systems."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
11.1 (2020) 884 - 894. DOI
Dobbe, Roel, Werner van Westering, Stephan Liu, Daniel Arnold, Duncan S Callaway, and Claire Tomlin."Linear Single- and Three-Phase Voltage Forecasting and Bayesian State Estimation With Limited Sensing."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
35.3 (2020) 1674 - 1683. DOI