Publications by Category
X Author: Ryszard Wycisk
Self, Ethan C, Micahel Naguib, Rose E Ruther, Emily C McRen, Ryszard Wycisk, Gao Liu, Jagjit Nanda, and Peter N Pintauro."High Areal Capacity Si/LiCoO2 Batteries from Electrospun Composite Fiber Mats."ChemSusChem
10.8 (2017) 1823 - 1831. DOI
Lin, Guangyu, Pauying Chong, Venkata Yarlagadda, Trung V Nguyen, Ryszard Wycisk, Peter N Pintauro, Mike Bates, Sanjeev Mukerjee, Michael C Tucker, and Adam Z Weber."Advanced Hydrogen-Bromine Flow Batteries with Improved Efficiency, Durability and Cost."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
163.1 (2016) A5049 - A5056. DOI