Publications by Category
X Author: Wang, Yan
Kan, Wang Hay, Chenxi Wei, Dongchang Chen, Tao Bo, Bao‐Tian Wang, Yan Zhang, Yangchao Tian, Jun‐Sik Lee, Yijin Liu, and Guoying Chen."Evolution of Local Structural Ordering and Chemical Distribution upon Delithiation of a Rock Salt–Structured Li1.3Ta0.3Mn0.4O2 Cathode."Advanced Functional Materials
29.17 (2019) 1808294. DOI
Wei, Chenxi, Yan Zhang, Sang-Jun Lee, Linqin Mu, Jin Liu, Chenxu Wang, Yang Yang, Marca M Doeff, Piero Pianetta, Dennis Nordlund, Xi-Wen Du, Yangchao Tian, Kejie Zhao, Jun-Sik Lee, Feng Lin, and Yijin Liu."Thermally driven mesoscale chemomechanical interplay in Li 0.5 Ni 0.6Mn 0.2Co 0.2O 2 cathode materials."Journal of Materials Chemistry A
6.45 (2018) 23055 - 23061. DOI
Wang, Zhihui, Yanbao Fu, Zhengcheng Zhang, Shengwen Yuan, Khalil Amine, Vincent S Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Application of Stabilized Lithium Metal Powder (SLMP®) in graphite anode – A high efficient prelithiation method for lithium-ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
260 (2014) 57 - 61. DOI
Wang, Lei, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S Battaglia, and Gao Liu."SBR–PVDF based binder for the application of SLMP in graphite anodes."RSC Advances
3.35 (2013) 15022-15027. DOI