Publications by Category
X Author: Yoyo Hinuma
Persson, Kristin A, Yoyo Hinuma, Ying Shirley Meng, Anton Van der Ven, and Gerbrand Ceder."Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the Li-graphite system from first-principles calculations."Physical Review B
82.12-15 (2010) 125416. DOI
Persson, Kristin A, Vijay A Sethuraman, Laurence J Hardwick, Yoyo Hinuma, Ying Shirley Meng, Anton Van der Ven, Venkat Srinivasan, Robert Kostecki, and Gerbrand Ceder."Lithium diffusion in graphitic carbon."The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
1.8 (2010) 1176-1180. DOI