Publications by Category
X Author: Guo Ai
Dai, Kehua, Jing Mao, Zengqing Zhuo, Yan Feng, Wenfeng Mao, Guo Ai, Feng Pan, Yi-den Chuang, Gao Liu, and Wanli Yang."Negligible voltage hysteresis with strong anionic redox in conventional battery electrode."Nano Energy
74 (2020) 104831. DOI
Mao, Wenfeng, Wei Yue, Zijia Xu, Jin Wang, Jingbo Zhang, Dejun Li, Bo Zhang, Shaohua yang, Kehua Dai, Gao Liu, and Guo Ai."Novel Hoberman Sphere Design for Interlaced Mn3O4@CNT Architecture with Atomic Layer Deposition-Coated TiO2 Overlayer as Advanced Anodes in Li-Ion Battery."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
12.35 (2020) 39282 - 39292. DOI
Mao, Wenfeng, Wei Yue, Zijia Xu, Shiyong Chang, Qianqian Hu, Feng Pei, Xiangdong Huang, Jingbo Zhang, Dejun Li, Gao Liu, and Guo Ai."Development of a Synergistic Activation Strategy for the Pilot-Scale Construction of Hierarchical Porous Graphitic Carbon for Energy Storage Applications."ACS Nano
14.4 (2020) 4741 - 4754. DOI
Mao, Jing, Xin Liu, Jianwen Liu, Heyang Jiang, Tao Zhang, Guosheng Shao, Guo Ai, Wenfeng Mao, Yan Feng, Wanli Yang, Gao Liu, and Kehua Dai."P2-type Na 2/3 Ni 1/3Mn 2/3O 2 Cathode Material with Excellent Rate and Cycling Performance for Sodium-Ion Batteries."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
166.16 (2019) A3980 - A3986. DOI
Ai, Guo, Qianqian Hu, Liang Zhang, Kehua Dai, Jin Wang, Zijia Xu, Yu Huang, Bo Zhang, Dejun Li, Ting Zhang, Gao Liu, and Wenfeng Mao."Investigation of the Nanocrystal CoS2 Embedded in 3D Honeycomb-like Graphitic Carbon with a Synergistic Effect for High-Performance Lithium Sulfur Batteries."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
11.37 (2019) 33987 - 33999. DOI
Hong, Ye, Wenfeng Mao, Qianqian Hu, Shiyong Chang, Dejun Li, Jingbo Zhang, Gao Liu, and Guo Ai."Nitrogen-doped carbon coated SnO2 nanoparticles embedded in a hierarchical porous carbon framework for high-performance lithium-ion battery anodes."Journal of Power Sources
428 (2019) 44 - 52. DOI
Dai, Kehua, Jinpeng Wu, Zengqing Zhuo, Qinghao Li, Shawn Sallis, Jing Mao, Guo Ai, Chihang Sun, Zaiyuan Li, William E Gent, William C Chueh, Yi- de Chuang, Rong Zeng, Zhi-xun Shen, Feng Pan, Shishen Yan, Louis F.J Piper, Zahid Hussain, Gao Liu, and Wanli Yang."High Reversibility of Lattice Oxygen Redox Quantified by Direct Bulk Probes of Both Anionic and Cationic Redox Reactions."Joule
3.2 (2019) 518 - 541. DOI
Ai, Guo, Yiling Dai, Wenfeng Mao, Hui Zhao, Yanbao Fu, Xiangyun Song, Yunfei En, Vincent S Battaglia, Venkat Srinivasan, and Gao Liu."Biomimetic Ant-Nest Electrode Structures for High Sulfur Ratio Lithium–Sulfur Batteries."Nano Letters
16.9 (2016) 5365 - 5372. DOI
Ai, Guo, Zhihui Wang, Yiling Dai, Wenfeng Mao, Hui Zhao, Yanbao Fu, Yunfei En, Vincent S Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Improving the over-all performance of Li-S batteries via electrolyte optimization with consideration of loading condition."Electrochimica Acta
218 (2016) 1 - 7. DOI
Ai, Guo, Zhihui Wang, Hui Zhao, Wenfeng Mao, Yanbao Fu, Ran Yi, Yue Gao, Vincent S Battaglia, Donghai Wang, Sergey Lopatin, and Gao Liu."Scalable process for application of stabilized lithium metal powder in Li-ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
309 (2016) 33 - 41. DOI
Park, Sang-Jae, Hui Zhao, Guo Ai, Cheng Wang, Xiangyun Song, Neslihan Yuca, Vincent S Battaglia, Wanli Yang, and Gao Liu."Side-Chain Conducting and Phase-Separated Polymeric Binders for High-Performance Silicon Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries."Journal of the American Chemical Society
137.7 (2015) 2565 - 2571. DOI
Ai, Guo, Yiling Dai, Yifan Ye, Wenfeng Mao, Zhihui Wang, Hui Zhao, Yulin Chen, Junfa Zhu, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S Battaglia, Jinghua Guo, Venkat Srinivasan, and Gao Liu."Investigation of surface effects through the application of the functional binders in lithium sulfur batteries."Nano Energy
16 (2015) 28-37. DOI
Mao, Wenfeng, Yanbao Fu, Hui Zhao, Guo Ai, Yiling Dai, Dechao Meng, Xin-he Zhang, Deyang Qu, Gao Liu, Vincent S Battaglia, and Zhi-yuan Tang."Rational Design and Facial Synthesis of Li3V2(PO4)3@C Nanocomposites Using Carbon with Different Dimensions for Ultrahigh-Rate Lithium-Ion Batteries."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
7 (2015) 12057-12066. DOI
Dai, Kehua, Zhihui Wang, Guo Ai, Hui Zhao, Wen Yuan, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S Battaglia, Chengdong Sun, Kai Wu, and Gao Liu."The transformation of graphite electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries after cycling."Journal of Power Sources
298 (2015) 349 - 354. DOI